Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Mama's Bow Ties

One of the quilts I finished in 2018 was a quilt my mom started.  This is me and my mom.

We enjoyed many hours of quilting together.  We took classes and went on quilt retreats. We enjoyed going to quilt shows together. 

As her health started to fail I asked her if there was one quilt that she really wanted to finish what would it be.  It was a bowtie quilt made with feed sack fabrics.

She would come to my house and work on it and we would sew together as best she could.  She finished piecing all the blocks.

She passed away in November of 2016

We belonged to a local quilt guild and every January we would go to our guilds annual retreat.

So I took those blocks to the retreat in January 2017 and put the top together. It made me feel like she had attended the retreat with me.

After the retreat I went home and got the remaining feed sacks out that she had not cut yet and there was one print that there were 2 of. Her favorite color was purple. So I used them for the border. And picked a purple out of the stash for the binding.

Im so glad to have finished this quilt in my mom's honor.  I will feel her presence with me when ever I hold this quilt.

After she passed I was blessed to clean out her sewing room and I added some of her fabrics to my stash, and I picked some of her favorite UFO's to finish, so there will be more of her quilts to share in the future.

In memory of Shelvy Miller 1939-2016

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